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P. 53
CSNT will manage the Campus-budgets are monitored on a regular basis. The
CSNT Head Start Campus Directors look for trends and see where they are
Program using sound spending within their respective Campuses.
fiscal policies that
adhere to applicable Finance Meetings are held at least monthly with the Head
regulations in order to Start Director, the Chief Finance Officer, and the Executive
remain a viable Director. Finance budgets are discussed during these
program in the meetings as well as any fiscal issues that may arise.
CSNT Head Start receives enough NFS to cover the 20%
budget match requirement. More NFS is collected than
needed to cover any disallowed NFS that may arise.
The CFO and the ED meet to update the Finance Manual.
However, there are times when these meetings are cancelled
due to other Agency issues that arise. The meetings have
been rescheduled and the Finance Manual update should be
completed by the end of the school year.
The Agency has received clean audits for the past four years
and we do not foresee any issues with this year’s audit.
CSNT Head Start will CSNT has implemented (2) child assessment systems. The
improve management CIRCLE Assessment System is used in all but one Campus to
systems with the full assess child data. The other child assessment being used is
utilization of state-of- the Frog Street Assessment. This Assessment is used at one
the art technology for location due to the partnership district using this assessment.
the Head Start
Program. Data reports are created from both assessments so that the
program can analyze where there are strengths and where
there are weaknesses
Data reports are provided to parents during parent-teacher
conferences and during home visits. Teaching staff discuss
the reports and the child’s progress.
Monthly Progress Reports are completed in all Program
areas. The reports are compiled into one program report that
is discussed at least once per month during Management
The Agency updated the phone systems integrating VOIP
technology. This enables the Agency to connect most
management sites using one integrated system. This enables
the Administrative Office, Finance Office, and the Head Start
Management Building to share documents and information
more easily.