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P. 58

Head Start

                 “Building partnerships, changing lives”

                   Child Health Form
                 Medical / Dental Home

Child’s Name: __________________________ D.O.B. __________

                                     Medical insurance Providers
Insurance Type:

               _______ CHIPS
               _______ Medicaid
               _______ Private: _________________________________
               _______ Other (TriCare)
               _______ No Coverage

Policy Number: _______________________________
Insurance Effective Date: _______________________
Primary Insurance: _______ Yes ________No
Dental Included: _______ Yes ________No

Current Medical Provider: _________________________________
                  Phone: _________________________________

Current Dental Provider: _________________________________
                  Phone: _________________________________

Hospital to use in case of an emergency:

Disability              Suspected                         Identified
Hearing Impairment
Learning Disability
Orthopedic Impairment
Vision Impairment
Speech or Language
Traumatic brain Injury

Revised: 4/2/18

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