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Section 2. Methodology

            Date             Action                    Purpose

11/6/208          Self-Assessment                 Training “Head Start
                  Management Meeting                 A to Z: Self-
11/9/18                                              Assessment
                  Self-Assessment Committee
2/22/18           Meeting                         Discuss approval
                                                     process for 2018 SA
Early 3/2018      Self-Assessment Focus Group        Methodology and
3/28/18           Meeting                            Implementation
Before 5/31/18                                       Schedule
                  Self-Assessment Committee
                  Meeting                         Training – Self-
                  Completion of Self-                Assessment
                  Assessment Process                 Orientation Training

                  Final Step in Self-Assessment   Discuss Proposed
                  Process                            2018 Self-Assessment
                                                     Implementation Plan
                                                  Approve 2018 Self-
                                                     Implementation Plan

                                                  Training on Focus
                                                     Group Process and
                                                     Group Member

                                                  Focus Group Break-
                                                     out Sessions

                                                  Focus Group
                                                     Discussion of Results

                                                  Discuss Results of SA
                                                     Focus Groups

                                                  Discuss SA Report
                                                  Approve SA Report
                                                  Policy Council and

                                                     Board approval of SA
                                                  Submit to Regional
                                                  Update Policies and
                                                     Procedures to include
                                                     changes to SA process
                                                  Update On-going
                                                     Monitoring to include
                                                     Detailed Monitoring

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