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P. 47

Context for Self-Assessment

1. Prior to this year’s Self-Assessment, the Management team was trained on “Head Start A to Z: Self-
    Assessment.” The Team discussed how the Self-Assessment process should focus more on program
    systems and data instead of checking boxes for compliance.

2. The Management Team took the old Self-Assessment process and split it into two separate sections:

             a. Detailed Monitoring has been implemented as part of the On-Going Monitoring System to
                  add a layer of monitoring that includes the creation of (4) teams made-up of Administrative,
                  management, and Campus staff as well as parents, policy council and governing board
                  members, and community partners, where applicable. These teams monitor the program for
                  areas of strength, weaknesses, and non-compliances. The teams completed on-site visits,
                  document reviews, and interviews. A summary of the team findings was created and became
                  part of the Self-Assessment Focus Group data packets.

             b. Self-Assessment Focus Groups have been created to analyze progress made on program
                  goals/objectives as well as strengths and weaknesses of management systems. There are (4)
                  groups with four members in each group. Groups are made up of program staff with
                  experience in the areas being surveyed. Program data is collected throughout the grant
                  project period and is examined by members of each Focus Group. Groups document systemic
                  strengths along with any weaknesses. They also make recommendations concerning systemic
                  issues and document any areas of innovation within the program.

    3. The Community Assessment Update Conclusions are provided to the Self-Assessment Focus Groups.
         They analyze the Community Assessment data along with other program data reports. The needs
         found within the Community Assessment Update including training provided for staff, quality health
         care for children, hiring of bi-lingual staff, providing support for parents, implementing school
         readiness, and providing teachers with the skills to teach diverse classrooms are compared to the
         program goals/objectives/outcomes.

    4. After the Focus Groups analyze the program data and program goals/objectives for progress,
         conclusions are discussed by the management team. Strategies are developed on how to implement
         any changes into the program. Recommendations on any changes to the program goals/objectives
         are discussed during the Strategic Planning Committee Meeting. These changes become part of the
         program goals/objectives at that time.

    5. One area that the program would like to improve is the collection of data across the 5-year grant
         cycle. The program will utilize technology to create a better system of tracking specific areas of data
         over the five year grant cycle.


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