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18.) Use reusable air filters. You’re supposed to be                         28.) Check your water heater for an “on vacation” setting. If
changing these out every single month. Do you? By using                      you’ve got it, use it!
reusable filters, you’ll save bundles over the years. Paul                   29.) If you’ve got a leaky faucet or a toilet that runs, spend
kept our last filter to use as a backup while the reusable is                the money for parts and fix it. A leaky faucet can waste over
drying after it’s monthly cleaning.                                          200 gallons of water every single month!
19.) Use an extra blanket at night instead of turning up the                 Overall Energy Saving:
heater. Every degree counts!                                                 30.) Make a nightly energy sweep. I’m sure you already
20.) If you have a programmable thermostat – take                            walk your house before bed, making sure the doors are
advantage of it! By setting the thermostat to adjust                         locked. Start checking for electronics plugged in (or turned
temperature automatically while you’re gone and again at                     on) that may not need to be while you’re at it. *Do you have
night and then in the morning, you could save up to 20%!                     a guest room with a clock and a TV that is rarely used?
21.) Make a habit of cleaning leaves and debris from your                    Unplug them! You can always plug them in before company
central a/c unit. Any buildup reduces air flow which forces                  arrives, and you’re not throwing money out the window in
your unit to work harder.                                                    the interim.
22.) Every so often, compare the meter reading against                       31.) After your first cup of coffee in the morning, turn off and
your utility bill. While you’re likely to notice a large error, it           unplug the coffee maker. Use a thermal cup if needed, and
never hurts to take a peek and compare either.                               drink hot coffee all morning long.
Lighting:                                                                    32.) Consider Average Billing for your utilities. Our monthly
23.) Take advantage of natural lighting. If possible, arrange                energy bills (gas and electric combined) are usually in the
your furniture so that when you open blinds, the natural                     same cost range every single month (unless it’s 100
sunlight warms your couch or love seat. If you’re warmer in                  degrees for two straight months). Taking advantage of the
the sunlight, you’ll need to use your furnace less. Use the                  utility company’s average billing policy won’t save you
opposite concept during the summer.                                          money exactly, but it helps you to budget your finances – if
24.) Place lamps in corners if possible. The illumination in                 nothing else.
the corner creates an illusion of more lighting without having               33.) Seal any cracks, use weather stripping on exterior
two lamps turned on.                                                         doors, caulk windows if needed to better insulate your
25.) Replace regular light bulbs with CFL or LED.                            home. While this tip isn’t completely free, you’ll see the
Water:                                                                       difference in your monthly bills and the work will pay for
26.) Set your water heater to 120 degrees. For a family of                   itself shortly.
four each taking 5 minute showers that should suffice
without wasting energy.                                                                           WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM
27.) Turn off the water as you shave or brush your teeth. No                                      Texoma Council of Governments
need to have it running the entire time if you’re not                                             Sherman, TX 75090
constantly using it. I personally brush my teeth while taking                                     903-813-3526 or 800-677-8264
my shower in the morning. Two birds!                                                              Applications must be requested

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