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33 Ways to Lower Your Utility Bills Without                               once per week, we do bi-weekly – on payday – so I
                    Spending a Dime                                         Stove/Oven:
                                                                            8.) Use glass or ceramic bake ware – they hold heat better,
Refrigerators and Freezers:                                                 meaning that you don’t need to run your oven as high –
1.) Freezers operate most efficiently when full. Cold food                  typically about 25 degree difference. Less heat = less cost.
stays cold longer than cold air does, so the less air that                  9.) When self-cleaning your oven, do it immediately after
needs to circulate, the more efficiently your freezer will                  baking. The oven is already piping
operate. To cut costs, fill empty milk jugs with water and                  hot – capitalize on that!
throw them in the freezer to fill up vacant space.                          10.) If baking – especially in the summer – bake a double
2.) Same principal as your freezer – as long as your fridge                 batch. I take leftovers to work just about every single day.
isn’t stuffed to the gills, the fuller the better. Check your               Washing Machine and Dryer:
damper, you don’t want anything right up against it that                    11.) Wash your clothes using cold water if possible, with
could cause your fridge to work harder.                                     cold water detergent. This saves energy as you are not
We had a repair man out years ago only tell us that a                       heating up the water.
produce bag (holding lettuce?) had been pressed up                          12.) Always try to run a full load – or adjust the load size if
against the damper – not allowing air to circulate.                         needed. You’ll save energy and water.
3.) Let your leftovers cool completely before throwing them                 13.) Don’t over-fill your clothes dryer. Same principal as the
in the fridge. Your refrigerator will have to work less to cool             damper in the fridge as noted above. If the air can’t
it down. That’s not to say you should leave them out all                    circulate, how’s it supposed to dry your clothes? Heat
evening of course. If you’re in a hurry you could place the                 alone? Even more energy wasted.
food storage container in an ice bath, or stick some of these               14.) Make sure to keep your lint trap clean. Not only is this
reusable ice cubes in the food.                                             an energy sucker, it can be a fire hazard as well.
4.) Make sure that the seal on your fridge is nice and tight.               Heating and Air Conditioning:
Test it out by placing a dollar bill in the door and shutting it.           15.) According to leading experts, adjusting your thermostat
If you can pull the bill out easily, you’re losing energy.                  by just 1 degree makes up to a 3% difference in your
Dishwasher:                                                                 energy bill. ONE degree! If you’re used to having your home
5.) Try and wait for a full load before you run the                         set at 68 degrees, inch your way up to 71 and see if you
dishwasher. If you really need those dishes clean (leaving                  can live with it. That is a 9% decrease in your monthly bill!!
for vacation etc) and you’ve got the option to run just the top             Can’t do three whole degrees? You can try at least one.  
rack, take it!                                                              16.) Do not block heat registers or return air vents. If the air
6.) Don’t use the heat dry feature. Unless you’ve got reason                can’t flow, it can’t do its job, forcing your unit to work harder.
to, you’re simply heating your dishes for no reason at all.                 17.) Use ceiling fans to help circulate air. Use a low speed
Let them air dry and save that energy.                                      to push warm air down in the winter and to help keep an
7.) Make a habit of checking for clogged food or other                      even temperature.
particles in the drain on a regular basis. Some recommend

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