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P. 7
Motion: Dr. Arcolia Jenkins moved to accept the Consent Agenda
Second: Lisa Martin
When asked, Board stipulated that no further discussion needed on consent
items and no item to remove
All in favor voted aye, none opposed, the motion carried unanimously
C. Discuss / Approve Board Resolutions to close accounts at Capital One
Bank (One vote can approve all nine resolutions)
1. CSBG UB – 00004670025573
2. CBA – 00004670025697
3. New CSBG Grant – 00003400023521
4. New CEAP Grant – 00003400023556
5. Utilities Upshur Rural – 00003400077753
6. CBA Cigna Health Spring – 00003622003871
7. TLC Program – 00003620083630
8. Head Start – 00003020005725
9. CEAP 5812 - 00003622042176
Motion: Judge Lynda Munkres
Second: April Bennett
All in favor voted aye, none opposed, the motion carried unanimously
D. Discuss/Approve Cost Allocation Plan
Dan discussed the cost allocation plan and added there are changes to be
made due to some formulas miscalculating.
Motion: Gus Gustafson moved to accept cost allocation plan with corrections.
Second: April Bennett
All in favor voted aye, none opposed, the motion carried unanimously
E. Discuss/Approve TSR Substitute Reimbursement $150 in Head Start Budget
Personnel/Substitute Line-item
Motion: Kim Cook
Second: Judge Lynda Munkres
All in favor voted aye, none opposed, the motion carried unanimously
F. Discuss/Approve Sale of used Head Start Classroom furniture stored in the
Texarkana Depot (all funds obtained will be placed in to the Classroom
Supplies Line-item in the PY04 Head Start Budget)
Motion: Dr. Arcolia Jenkins