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P. 8

Second: Lisa Martin
          All in favor voted aye, none opposed, the motion carried unanimously


A. Financial Report – Prepared by Shelley Mitchell and presented by Dan Boyd (Org
Std 8.7)
B. Adult Nutrition – will be deleted on next agenda


    A. Executive Director Comments – Spoke of Shirley Partridge and her role at the
         new Jefferson building referred to as the East Texas Enrichment Center, and
         housing Creating Opportunities for Marion County, COMC, a program that
         assists CSNT with adult education programs.


  A. Evaluation forms are being distributed to the Board for the annual review of the
      Executive Director. The Board Chair will collect the forms and provide a report in
      Executive Session at the next Board meeting. At that time, the Board will review
      the Executive Director’s salary. The evaluation complies with Organizational
      Standard 7.4 which prescribes “The governing board conducts a performance
      appraisal of the CEO/Executive Director within each calendar year.” The salary
      review complies with Organization Standard 7.5 which prescribes “The
      governing board reviews and approves the CEP/Executive Director
      compensation within every calendar year.

      Executive Director requested the evaluation forms to be prepared for the April
      25, meeting.


             A. Consultation between the board and its attorney in those instances in which the board seeks the Attorney’s
                    advice with respect to pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, and other matters where the duty of
                    the attorney to his client requires confidentiality.

             B. Discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value or real property, negotiated contracts, and
                    prospective gifts or donations to the organization, when such discussion, if made public, would have a detrimental
                    effect on the negotiating position of the organization.

             C. Discussion with respect to matters involving the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties,
                    discipline, or dismissal of an officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against such officer or employee,
                    unless such officer or employee requests a public session.

             D. Discussion with respect to any matter specifically made confidential by law or regulation. Any other exception
                    available by state law.



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