Head Start

Head Start is a comprehensive child development program which
focuses on preparing children for entry into kindergarten.
The program serves income eligible children ages 3-5 and their
families by providing educational, health, dental and social services free of charge.
The educational component focuses on pre-reading skills,
phonemic awareness, numeric development and social skills. All
children are screened at the beginning of the program year to
assess their development.
All children receive physicals annually and any needed medical
attention is obtained through their insurance or provided by Head
Start. Children diagnosed with disabilities are fully included in all
aspects of the program. In addition, each child's family is case
studied to determine their strengths and needs and a Family
Partnership Agreement is developed to ensure that each child and
their family receive the maximum amount of success from the services that are available.
Head Start currently serves more than 500 children in Bowie, Camp, Cass, and Morris counties