Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc.

Serving Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Franklin, Harrison, Hopkins, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Panola, Rains, Red River and Titus counties in Northeast Texas.

If you are interested in any position listed you may download and complete the application reached from the link below. Applications can also be obtained at your local Head Start Campus or our Executive Office in Linden. Please return all applications to:
Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc. P.O. Box 427 Linden, TX 75563 Attn: Human Resources

Printable Employment Application

You may also access our Employment Portal where you can search for and apply online for any available jobs.

Employment Portal

Community Services of Northeast Texas, Inc. is always looking for enthusiastic, qualified individuals to join our team of professionals. We offer excellent benefits, competitive wages and a professional work environment.


Community Services Director Linden Lead Teacher Early Head Start Lead Teacher New Boston Head Start Teaching Assistant New Boston Head Start