Page 40 - index.html
P. 40

Total Number of children experiencing homelessness that were      4.63% of cumulative enrollment
                   served during the enrollment year

Section: g. Foster Care

Total number of enrolled children who were in foster care at any  2.14% of cumulative enrollment
                         point in the program year

Section: h. Prior Enrollment of Children                          31.02% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                    0% of cumulative enrollment
                                      Second Year
                                Three (or more) Years             15.51% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                  84.49% of cumulative enrollment
Section: i. Ethnicity
                                                                  0.89% of cumulative enrollment
                              Hispanic or Latino Origin           0.53% of cumulative enrollment
                       Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino Origin          50.45% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                  0.18% of cumulative enrollment
Section: j. Race                                                  30.48% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                  9.27% of cumulative enrollment
                        American Indian or Alaska Native           8.2% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                    0% of cumulative enrollment
                             Black or African American
                       Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander        90.37% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                  8.38% of cumulative enrollment
                               Biracial or Multi-Racial             0% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                    0% of cumulative enrollment
                                       Other Race                   0% of cumulative enrollment
                                   Unspecified Race                 0% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                    0% of cumulative enrollment
Section: k. Language                                                0% of cumulative enrollment
                                                                    0% of cumulative enrollment
                                          English                   0% of cumulative enrollment
                                         Spanish                    0% of cumulative enrollment
        Central American, South American, or Mexican Languages    1.25% of cumulative enrollment
                                Caribbean Languages
                   Middle Eastern or South Asian Languages
                                        East Asian
            Native North American or Alaska Native Languages
                              Pacific Island Languages
                          European or Slavic Languages
                                  African Languages
                                   Other Languages
                                Unspecified Language

Section: l. Health Services

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