Annual Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 @ 12:00 Noon
Linden Community Center
301 East Houston, Linden Texas 75563

Rev. Ross Hyde, Board Chairman • Dan ‘Lucky’ Boyd, CCAP, NCRMT, Executive Director
If you need assistance with physical accessibility to the meeting, please call 903-756-5596 x 201


1. Call Meeting to Order                                            

2. Establishment of a Quorum

3. Approval of Agenda 12/6/22 * 

4. Approval of Minutes 11/16/22 *

5. Chairman’s Comments and Recognitions

6. Head Start Detailed Monitoring   

    Interview Questions presented by Shirley Baker and Sarah Wilson 

7. Committee Reports and Information 

      A.  Planning & Evaluation – No current report required
      B.  Personnel –No current report required
      C.  Finance – No current report required
      D.  Executive –No current report required

      E.  Nominating – Committee met at 11:30, December 6. The 2023 Slate of Officers
            will be presented as Action Item C.

F.  By Laws- No current report

       The Chair may make changes to committee rosters and/or develop new committees.

 8. Action Items 

A.     Seat new board member(s), if any*

    B.     Approve Consent Agenda*

            1) Community Services Report……..………………… (OS 5.9).…..……...…Michelle Morehead
            2) Head Start/EHS & PIR Reports……………………. (OS 5.9).…  ………………Berny Harris
            3) Human ResourceReport……………………………(OS5.9)…………………….Charlotte Hall
            4) Payee Report……………………………………….  (OS 5.9) ………..……..Savannah Coates
            5) Service & HS Transportation Reports…………….... (OS 5.9) ………..….…….Tommy Hooper
            6) Financial……………………………………………...(OS8.7)………………....Shelley Mitchell 

C.     Discuss/Approve 2023 Slate of Officers *
D.     Discuss/Approve 2023 Slate of Officers in lieu of election requires raising of hands*
E.      Installation of 2023 Officers
F.     Appointment of Parliamentarian
G.    Discuss/Approve Disposition of two Head Start Buses Grant #06CH011282/04 *

 9. Executive Director’s Report

     Training Schedule for Board 

10. Discussion Items

       1) Data School Readiness Performance Fall 2022 Data
       2) Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Goals Fall 2022 Progress    

11. Audience Comments 

12. Executive Session               

A. Consultation between the board and its attorney in those instances in which the board seeks the Attorney’s advice with respect to pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, and other matters where the duty of the attorney to his client requires confidentiality
B.  Discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value or real property, negotiated contracts, and prospective gifts or donations to the organization, when such discussion, if made public, would have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the organization.
C. Discussion with respect to matters involving the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of an officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against such officer or employee, unless such officer or employee requests a public session.
D. Discussion with respect to any matter specifically made confidential by law or regulation. Any other exception available by state law

13. Required Action from Executive Session

14. Adjourn Board Meeting

* Requires Board Vote

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