Board Documents
January 24, 2018

Annual Meeting to be held at noon
Location:  304 E Houston, Linden TX 75563
903-756-5596 x 201

You may download the entire board pack here  (Really big file)

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Establishment of a Quorum

3. Approval of Minutes from 12-6-2017 

4. Approval of Agenda 

5. Chairman’s Comments and Recognitions

6. Training/Presentations

      A.  Board Member Orientation (required by Org Std 5.7)

7. Committee Reports and Information

      A.  Planning & Evaluation (Chair reminds members that the entire board is a member of this        

                                                   committee, also known as the Strategic Planning Committee.

      B.  Personnel – This committee met as a whole board to approve job descriptions, pay scales, etc., in November.

      C.  Finance – Jarred, Gilmore & Phillips, PA, is the Auditor for FYE 9/30/17 (Org Std 8.1, 8.2, 8.3)

      D.  Executive – This committee meets only when necessary, usually as a result of succession

      E.  Nominating – This committee must met in August

      F.  ByLaws –  NO ACTION YET.

      The Chair may make changes to committee rosters and/or develop new committees.

 8. Action Items

     A.  Seat new board member(s) (2) µ

      B.  Approve Consent Agenda µ

            1)  Human Resources Report part 2 (Org. Std. 5.9)

            2)  Service Department Report Transportation Report (Org. Std. 5.9)

            3)  Head Start Report and PIR (Org. Std. 5.9)

            4)  Community Services Report (Org. Std. 5.9)

 9. Staff Reports

     A. Financial Report Std 8.7.........Shelley Mitchell

     B. Tenant Based Rental Assistance (verbal) - Org. Std. 5.9 - Julie Kolacki

     C.  Payee Services (verbal) - Org. Std. 5.9 - Holly Gardner

    10. Executive Director’s Report

      A. Executive Director Comments

11. Discussion Items

      A.  None scheduled

12. Audience Comments

13. Executive Session

A. Consultation between the board and its attorney in those instances in which the board seeks the Attorney’s advice with respect to pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, and other matters where the duty of the attorney to his client requires confidentiality

B.  Discussion with respect to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value or real property, negotiated contracts, and prospective gifts or donations to the organization, when such discussion, if made public, would have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the organization.

C. Discussion with respect to matters involving the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of an officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against such officer or employee, unless such officer or employee requests a public session.

D. Discussion with respect to any matter specifically made confidential by law or regulation. Any other exception available by state law.

14. Required Action from Executive Session

15. Adjourn Board Meeting

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